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Improve quality of life in our community and make Namatakula Village Climate Change resilient.




Committed to make Namatakula adapt and resilient to climate change, valuing voices, conserving indigenous knowledge, alleviating poverty through enterprise initiatives, thus contributing to our National Economic Development.



  1. To actively participate in all areas of Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Management

  2. To sustain effective community nutritional status and food security initiatives 

  3. To revive and conserve the scientific and traditional coping mechanisms for Marine Conservation initiatives

  4. Empowering our youths to seek solutions to mitigate and address climate change and environmental related issues

  5. To recognise all aspects of Valuing Voices in gender equality and alleviating poverty 

  6. To create opportunities for Enterprise Development

  7. To promote provisions for Personal Development

  8. To strengthen opportunities for Health Promotion initiatives

  9. To participate in Community Based Research for community planning

  10. To safeguard Traditional Medicine & Healing Therapies

  11. To link activities for integrated Local Community Development

  12. To promote the preservation of indigenous Knowledge & Cultural Expressions.

+679 9325504

Namatakula, Coral Coast, Fiji Islands

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©2017 By Kai Ni Cola

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